The Chianti Classico region is in a hilly area at 250-650 above sea level between Florence and Siena in the centre of Tuscany Region in the centre of Italy. The distance from the sea is about 100km. The climate is mild, soft and changeable in the four seasons in Chianti, Tuscany.
In winter is not so cold, sometimes a little bit snow and some nightly frost.
In Spring and Autumn the climate is pleasant, sometimes also hot especially in May and September, while in March, April, October and November it can be cooler with some rain. In Sommer the weather is wonderful and it is a pleasure to stay outside from 5am till 11am. While from 11 am till 5pm is very hot and the best is to rest in the shadow.
Very pleasant is the evening light breeze from 5pm till 12pm with wonderful nightly starry sky. During the famous S. Lorenzo night (9th/10Th August) it is possible to observe the falling stars. Special Event call “Calici sotto le stelle” “Glasses under the stars” in several cities of Chianti Region and also by the Astronomical Observatory of Chianti near San Donato (Florence)., where last year (August 2013)our Farm Podere Tegline was there with our red Sangiovese organic Chianti Classico Wine . It was really a great experience for us and for all the people that partecipated discovering and observing Costellations, Nebulosas, Galaxy and Globular Clusters as AM13 probably thanks also to our special wine.

Il nostro sito web:
Agriturismo Podere Tegline.
Podere Tegline - Agriturismo Chianti, Toscana
Podere Tegline è un agriturismo nel Chianti che offre appartamenti per 2-4 persone all'interna di un'autentica casa colonica toscana nei pressi di Lucarelli, Radda e Panzano in Chianti. Possibilità di affittare più di un appartamento, posti fino ad 11 persone.
Giovanni Talluri
All content copyright ©
Giovanni Talluri 2013. Tutti i diritti riservati.