We suggest you to read the previous blog on the “Four Seasons in Chianti” with a general summary about weather in the various seasons.
The best months to visit the Chianti Classico Region in Tuscany are: May, June, July, August, September and October.
The Weather-Year in Tuscany begins from the Winter Season:
December: rain, night cold, often cloudy, sometimes gentle sun
January: rain, cold, night ice,, rarely snow, gentle sun
February: rain, cold, rarely snow, often sun
March: changeable, rain, sun, wind
April: changeable, rain, often sun, wind
May: changeable, sun, hot in the afternoon
June: sun, hot, some afternoon showers
July: sun, very hot
August: sun, very hot, some storms
September: sun, hot, mild days, some rain
October: sun, mild days, cool in the morning, some rain
November: rain, sun, cool, fresh in the morning

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Agriturismo Podere Tegline.
Podere Tegline - Agriturismo Chianti, Toscana
Podere Tegline è un agriturismo nel Chianti che offre appartamenti per 2-4 persone all'interna di un'autentica casa colonica toscana nei pressi di Lucarelli, Radda e Panzano in Chianti. Possibilità di affittare più di un appartamento, posti fino ad 11 persone.
Giovanni Talluri
All content copyright ©
Giovanni Talluri 2013. Tutti i diritti riservati.