53017 Radda in Chianti (Siena) - Italy
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Dear Friends,
A new season is beginning and Chianti’s birds are singing: “Spring is coming...”
We would like to have you here to admire together the landscape changing and beautifying…
Take the chance this spring, or whenever you want, to spend a particular week
leaving work and city and abandoning yourself in the Siena’s nature landscape.
You can also try a jump in the past, about 1850, when the first Steam Train was whistling!
How to discover the beauty of Terre di Siena on a vehicle and with a pace of a bygone age. The Nature Train takes you back in time: this is the impression anyone can experience having traveled at least once on this train. The great feeling you have jumping on board of a 100-doors carriage, drawn either by a classic “Littorina” or by one of those “smoking giants” on which our grandfather used to travel, with a background noise made of whistles, puffs, squeaks and the pumping of the pistons. The many itineraries are unusual and irresistible because of the beauty of the land the train runs through and because of certain landscapes and views which are possible to see only from the train. On certain stretches no roads, apart from the railway track, are present. The only things you can see are farmed land and herds: here time has really stopped and the train is the key to gain access to this enchanted world.
Get off at small and romantic little stations to carry on by foot along paths leading to “ Pievi”, old hamlets and castles.
Stop at a farmhouse for a wine tasting or to take part in one or more of the many village festivals.
The journey takes place on the classic steam train.
It lasts all day with only one departure time and combined with a special event, such as the “Train of the Grape Harvest” with bus transfer to and from the railway stations.
Arrival in Siena is always in the late afternoon (before 07:00 pm)
Just one train ticket to travel on the classic littorine and on all the other ordinary trains of the sienese railway network. Just get on and off as you please.
“Littorina” represents the best way possible to travel by train combining the journay with other activities such as trekking, bicycle rides, visit to museums and wine and food tasting in local farmhouses.
If you want we could help you to realize this “dream”!!!
You can find it also on our blog at the address: MARCH 2009: ”The March Truffle” (Classic Littorine) (FVO)San Giovanni D’Asso opens its doors to travellers to celebrate a prestigious delicacy: the March truffle. Visit to the Truffle Museum and the castle from where the view of the village below and the surrounding countryside is breathtaking. Lunch based on March truffles.
Departure from Siena at 9,40 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.00 pm.
13 APRIL 2009: ”Day After Easter” ( Steam Train from Siena) (FVO) Festa a Castiglion d’Orcia
Departure from Siena at 9,45 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.00 pm.
25 APRIL 2009: ”The pecorino Cheese and the Artichoke Festival” Steam Train from Siena ) (FVO)Chiusure, old village in the heart of “Crete Senesi” wakes up for this special festival.
Bus transfer to Monte Uliveto Maggiore and visit the Abbey.
Departure from Siena at 9,45 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.00 pm.
1° MAY 2009 ”Train of the Maggiolata to Sant’Angelo” (Steam Train from Siena ) (FVO)You can partecipate to a traditional festival in Sant’Angelo Scalo, surrounded by music, street market stalls and delicious food. Scheduled visits to the Banfi’s wine cellars with tasting of wine and local delicacies.
Departure from Siena at 9,45 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.00 pm.
10 MAY 2009: ”Market of the Sienese Crete” (Steam Train from Siena ) (FVO)In Asciano takes place the traditional street market with special local products and craftworks.
It is possible to visit the village and its museum such as a Sacred Art Museum, Archaeological and the Cassioli Museum. A classic drawn-horse cart for short rides is available.
Departure from Siena at 9,40 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.00 pm.
17 MAY 2009: ”Train of the Monte Labro fauna Park” (Classic Littorine from Siena)” (FVO)The Monte Amiata Fauna Park is located in an area of great natural relevance, and represents the ideal environment of the preservation and monitoring of many species of wild animals. Bus transfer to the Monte Labro to observe wolves, plants, roe deer.
Departure from Siena at 8.30 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.30 pm.
24 MAY 2009: ”Sant’Antimo Train – “The stone speaks” (Classic Littorine from Siena) (FVO) San’Antimo Abbey and Castelnuovo dell’Abate
31 MAY 2009: ”Vivo D’Orcias Welles Train” (Classic Littorine from Siena) (FVO)Railway station of Torrenieri and bus transfer to the spings “Ermicciolo” of Vivo D’Orcia for the biosphere Festival with local organic market to taste and purchase Falconery demonstration. Departure from Siena at 08.30 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.30 pm.
07 JUNE 2009: ”Miners Train” (Classic Littorine diesel from Siena) (FVO)Visit the Mine of Abbadia S. Salvatore (Monte Amiata)
Departure from Siena at 9,40 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.00 pm.
14 JUNE 2009:”Crete and Val d’Orcia’s Train” (Classic Littorine from Siena) (FVO)To discover the most beautiful views from Siena.
Departure from Siena at 9,40 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.00 pm.
28 JUNE 2009:“The Sea Train” (Classic Littorine from Siena e Chiusi) (FVO)A jump to the sea of the “Uccellina’s Park” (GR) Directly to Grosseto Railway Station , bus transfer to the beach of Parco dell’Uccellina.
Early booking is essential.
Departure from Siena at 8,00 am – Arrival in Siena at 10.00 pm..
6 SEPTEMBER 2009: ”The Etruscan Train” (littorine diesel from Siena) (FVO)To go back in time, firstly by crossing the sienese Crete and the Val di Chiana on a fantastic train, secondly by visiting the town of Porsenna with its unique atmosphere.
Lunch by the lake of Chiusi.
Departure from Siena at 8.30 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.40 pm.
13 e 20 SEPTEMBER 2009: ”Market of the Sienese Crete” (Littorine from Siena) (FVO)Market in Asciano.
Departure from Siena at 8.30 am – Arrival in Siena at 07.30 pm.
27 SEPTEMBER 2009:”The Val d’Arbia Festival” (Littorine from Siena) (FVO)To visit the Festival in Buonconvento old Village.
Departure from Siena at 8.30 am – Arrival in Siena at 07.30 pm.
27 SEPTEMBER 2009:”The Val d’Arbia Festival” (Littorine from Siena) (FVO)(FVO)A trip through typical traditions of rural Tuscany.
Get off to Asciano Scalo where to admire Tuscany traditional dances, visit the Museum, some Montalcino’s wine cellars and typical products.
Departure from Siena at 9,40 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.00 pm.
11 OCTOBER 2009: “Monte Amiata Train”(FVO)To visit the Autumn Monte Amiata fest”.
Departure from Siena at 9,40 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.00 pm.
18 OCTOBER 2009:”The porcini mushroom Train” (Littorine from Siena) (FVO)Arrival in Monte Amiata Scalo and bus transfer to Vivo ‘Orcia. Optional walks and excursions in search of beautiful woodlands offer. You can taste the delicious porcini mushrooms and visit the Villafe of Vivo D’Orcia.
Departure from Siena at 8.30 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.30 pm.
25 OCTOBER 2009: ”The Chestnut Train” (Steam Train from Siena and Chiusi) (FVO)To join the chestnut festival in Castel del Piano. To start with a long hike in the woods where chestnuts can be collected, to have lunch at one of the many restaurants in the area.
Departure from Siena at 8.30 am – Arrival in Siena at 07.00 pm.
1 NOVEMBER 2009:”The Miners and Castratone Train” (Littorine from Siena) (FVO)Arrival in Monte Amiata Scalo and bus transfer to Abbadia S. Salvatore to visit the mines. Bus Transfer to Piancastagnaio for the “Castratone” Festival a special meat.
Departure from Siena at 8.30 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.00 pm.
8 NOVEMBER 2009:”The white truffle Train” (Steam Train from Siena) (FVO)From Siena to San Giovanni d’Asso , a medieval centre, for the white truffle.
This is an area stretching over clay hills (Crete) with its “pievi”(old churches) and farmhouses where the “White Diamond” grows. Visit to the Truffle Museum and to the Castle which is the site of the Market/Exhibition.
Departure from Siena at 9,40 am – Arrival in Siena at 06.30 pm.
8 NOVEMBER 2009:”The white truffle Train” (Steam Train from Siena) (FVOArrival in Torrenieri and bus transfer to the enchanting village of San Quirico. Visit to the market stalls of the “Festa dell’Olio” to taste the new olive oil and other local products such as cheese and saffron. The village gets busy with street artists performing their numbers.
Departure from Florence at 8.15 am – Arrival in Florence at 07.40 pm.
31 DECEMBER 2009: ”The New Year’s Eve Train” (Littorine from Siena) STILL TO CONFIRM (FVO)With a classic train to provide you nice and warm carriages, through the Val D’Orcia to Monte Amiata. Entertainment on board and fire works along the track.
NEW Year’s Eve’s celebration dinner and dance until dawn.
Departure from Siena at 05.00 pm – Arrival in Siena at 06.00 am of January 1st.2010
Minimum stay of 3 nights, our prices now are really attractive, plus the Nature Train ticket, that we can buy for you.
Ticket price:
Diesel rail-cars: round-trip route Siena-Asciano-Monte Antico-Siena and special trains: € 17,00; Asciano-Monte Antico and return: € 12,00. Each paying passenger can bring along a child under the age of 10 years free of charge. Neither reduced rate cards nor train passes can be used. Tickets are sold on board.Steam trains: € 28,00 adults and children over 10 years of age. Under this age free without seat place.
Triebwagenv: für die Rundfahrt Siena-Asciano-Monte Antico-Siena und besondere Züge: € 17,00; für die Streckte Asciano-Monte Antico: € 12,00. Jeder Mitreisende kann kostenlos ein Kind unter 10 Jahren mitnehmen. Sammelfahrkarten und Preisermäßigungen sind ungültig. Die Fahrkarten konnen direkt im Zug erworben werden.Dampfzüge: € 28,00 Erwachsener und Kinder über 10 Jahren. Unter 10 Jahren fahren die Kinder kostenlos ohne Sitzplatz.
We reserve to ask the availability of the Nature Train of the Val D’Orcia, before confirming the booking. The amount of the ticket would be paid together with our deposit of the 20% of the apartment.
The travels of this special train are always on Sunday.
The rates of our Apartments for night.
La Fonte ( 2 persons) L.S. Euro 60,00 H.S. Euro 65,00
Il Balzellone ( 3 persons) L.S. Euro 65,00 H.S. Euro 70,00
La Torre ( 3 persons) L.S. Euro 80,00 H.S. Euro 85,00
Tegline ( 4 persons) L.S. Euro 100,00 H.S. Euro 110,00
Low Season (L.S.): always, except when high season.
High Season (H.S.): during holidays like Easter , 25/4 e 1/5 etc... and from 20.6.09 to 29.08.09.
Rates include: private parking, electricity, water, gas, linen change and final cleaning.
Not included in the rate is heating – payable on departure at a rate of 4,50 euro per cubic metre LPG, if you use it.
For children under 12 years of age an additional bed is available on request with no extra charge.
Your way back to Tuscany might also be the opportunity to taste our typical food, for example in the nearest restaurant, very good for quality-price and kindness:
Typicall Tuscany Menu
Antipasto misto toscano ( Tuscany Assorted hors d’oeuvres) Euro 5,50
Pappardelle sulla lepre (Large noodle egg pasta with hare) Euro 7,00
“Gnudi” di zucca gialla ( Special pasta with yellow pumpkin) Euro 7,00
Bistecca alla fiorentina ( Fiorentina-beef steak ) (100gr.) Euro 3,50
Cinghiale con le olive (Wild board with olives) Euro 12,00
Ossobuco alla fiorentina (Florentine Marrowbone) Euro 11,00
Cantucci e vin santo (Biscuit with Sweet Wine) Euro 3,50
These are only some of the plates that you can taste: in each season there are new delicious ones!!!!
We would be really glad to reveal you something new and to wake in you the wish of a new experience and the desire to be back in our hills. In any case, for us this is the occasion to send our special greetings and a big hug to all of you.
Podere Tegline Farmhouse