At Panzano after Easter Tuesday, April 22, 2014 , in the town of Greve in Chianti (Florence) will take place the Explosion of the Cart , the event is organized by " The Grondino " , which keeps alive old traditions and games. In the main street of Panzano is possible to play like the old days , young and old are encouraged to get together and have fun.
The Chariot will be detonated in the main square of Panzano in front of the High Church of Santa Maria Assunta at 19.00 with the lighting of the fuse of the Dove part that comes from the front door of the Church in the Piazzetta Ricasoli and if it makes the return trip to the port of Church with success also means that the harvest will be good.
In the days preceding the outbreak of the inhabitants of the village can assist in the construction of the wagon, piece by piece, where participating youth volunteers of the " The Grondino ."
It ' a great time of celebration for all not to be missed .
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Agriturismo Podere Tegline.
Podere Tegline - Agriturismo Chianti, Toscana
Podere Tegline è un agriturismo nel Chianti che offre appartamenti per 2-4 persone all'interna di un'autentica casa colonica toscana nei pressi di Lucarelli, Radda e Panzano in Chianti. Possibilità di affittare più di un appartamento, posti fino ad 11 persone.
Giovanni Talluri
All content copyright ©
Giovanni Talluri 2013. Tutti i diritti riservati.